Sunday, October 12, 2008

Locking down some scenes and the talk of the tech

Mona and I are working on scenes and shot lists. We've got some great tracking shots and weird angles we'd like to incorporate but we'll see if they actually play on the day.

Also I'm going to be getting some china balls and bulbs cause that studio is way too dark. We are shooting on two HV20s in 24p mode, one with a wide angle lens adapter, which will be on a tripod and the other one will be handheld (no wide angle, just naked). I know what you're saying "that's an $800.00 camera". When you see the footage you will be impressed, I assure you. When Soderbergh made Full Frontal, his XL1 didn't look half as good as the images coming out of the HV20.

I won't bog you down too much about the tech stuff in future posts because it's all about the approach and not the gear.

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